Is a poor recruitment process damaging your brand?

Research into the experiences of job seekers has shown the damage that can be caused to a brand by negative processes such as failing to give feedback and not acknowledging receiving an application.

Reed UK found major discrepancies between the expectations of candidates and how companies had been handling the recruitment process. 69% of applicants expected feedback if they were unsuccessful and only 8% reported consistently receiving feedback. More shockingly, 35% said they had rarely or never received any comment or feedback on their application.

The damage this could do to a brand becomes evident on Reed’s next finding. 73% of job seekers said they would be less likely to use the products or services of a company which had given them a poor experience. In younger candidates, 50% said they would even share a negative experience with others.

Three-quarters of job seekers expected to receive a simple confirmation that their application had been received, with this number rising to 84% for higher earning candidates. In the digital age we live in, 39% said they expected to receive confirmation within 24 hours.

Mel Stead, Managing Director of Optimal PBS Recruitment, said “This is only bad news for brands who fail to meet the simplest of expectations. With a vast majority of people saying they would be less likely to use a company after having a bad experience in the recruitment process, it is clear the damage this could do to a company of any size. This highlights the importance of businesses having a great hiring process, whether they do it internally or externally.”

To speak to Mel Stead about how improving the hiring process can help your business, please call her on 07764 244 813 or email

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