Review of Policies

HR policies provide written guidance for employees and managers on how to handle a range of employment issues. They play an important role in practically and effectively implementing an organisation’s HR strategy. They also provide consistency and transparency for employees and managers, helping to enhance the psychological contract and create a positive organisational culture.

Over 30 years experience

Setting the boundaries and providing guidance

Robust HR policy development is a fundamental part of the employer / employee relationship. Without HR policies, there is no written guidance for employees to know what is expected of them whilst at work, and there is no back-up for the employer should things go wrong in the workplace.

HR policies provide excellent guidance on a range of rights and responsibilities across the entire employee population. Optimal will work with your team and existing HR strategy to provide practical advice and guidance on HR policy development, completely tailored to the needs of your organisation.

We offer guidance and support on a range of HR policy development solutions.  For an informal chat give us a call on 0330 0881857 or email us at

FREE 30-minute consultation

Book your free 30 minute consultation with us to enable us to advise you appropriately on your requirements.

What our clients say

Meet our team

Our team of experienced professionals have worked across multiple sectors and have significant experience of supporting our clients with all of their Human Resources and Organisation Design needs.

Melanie Stead

Managing Director & Senior HR & OD Consultant

Helen Murphy

Operations Director & Senior HR Consultant

Alice McEvoy

Senior HR Consultant