Merger & Acquisition - pre & post support

With a team of HR professionals that has supported over 40 different M&A activities in the last two years alone, we have the knowledge and expertise to help you to successfully deliver your strategic initiatives.

Over 15 years experience

Are you aware of the M&A paradox?

There are more Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) happening than ever before, but the failure rate is at an all-time high. Study after study puts the failure rate of mergers and acquisitions between 70% and 90%. One reason is that the people aspects are overlooked both in the due diligence stage and also within the integration planning & implementation stages.

FREE 30-minute consultation

Book your free 30 minute consultation with us to enable us to advise you appropriately on your requirements.
Managing Teams Effectively

If you don’t get the people side of due diligence right, then failure is the likely result. Solid HR support can play a key role in M&A success by helping to manage the complexity of Compliance, IT and Culture. Don’t make it harder for your business and call on a HR professional sooner to start turning M&A challenges into HR opportunities.  Some of the biggest cost implications are sat within the HR/People element of a business, getting it wrong is not an option.

The benefit of engaging an expert HR Outsourcing provider throughout an M&A deal, for both buyer and seller, cannot be understated. Optimal’s Mergers and Acquisitions services provides guidance and insight prior to the merger and before the actual transaction closes by developing a plan of how to quickly absorb or stand up those employees. Our extensive experience in supporting M&A’s can help you to comply with local laws and requirements and provide a plan to help deal with any unexpected issues that may occur during the process. During the planning of the integration programme, a good HR & Organisational Design Consultant can help you look at the impact the integration will have on the business and on the existing and new employees, how you should approach this phase and they can work with you to look at the new model, get the structures right, identify how any cost efficiencies will arise and at what point and work through the cultural impacts the transaction may have. We have over 15 years working with clients on M&A programmes across a wide variety of sectors including financial services, manufacturing & engineering, legal services, Retail, Social Housing and Insurance Services to name just a few.  If you are thinking about buying, selling or merging your business and need some guidance, give us a call on 0330 0881857.

What our clients say

Meet our team

Our team of experienced professionals have worked across multiple sectors and have significant experience of supporting our clients with all of their Human Resources and Organisation Design needs.

Melanie Stead

Managing Director & Senior HR & OD Consultant

Helen Murphy

Operations Director & Senior HR Consultant

Alice McEvoy

Senior HR Consultant