How to protect our Mental Health this festive period

Sometimes, we think of wellbeing in terms of what we have: our income, our home or car, or our job. But evidence shows that what we do and the way we think have the biggest impact on mental wellbeing. It’s the time of the year where people can start to feel unwell both physically and mentally, so I wanted to share a few tips of what I think helps.


The food we eat plays a big part in how we feel both physically and mentally. It’s the time of year we start to indulge more, and we can forget the impact this can have. I’m not going to ask you to stop indulging but I am going to suggest you make sure you are still eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and veg to keep topped up with all those vital vitamins and minerals.


Being active is great for your physical health and fitness. But evidence shows that it can also improve your mental wellbeing. Many people think that the mind and body are separate. But what you do with your body can have a powerful effect on your mental wellbeing. Most people think exercise requires a gym or specialist equipment, but it doesn’t always need to. There are now lots of videos and tutorials you can watch and participate in from the comfort of your own home. Any physical activity even walking can be beneficial but why not try something that is fun and enjoyable for you. You could play a sport, get your dancing shoes on or go on a bike ride.


Christmas can put a strain on finances but it’s important to remember what the season is all about and not focus so much on material things. Could you make homemade gifts rather than buy from a store, I’m sure your loved ones would appreciate the effort and the thought that goes into it. Could the adults agree to just focus on the children this year and not buy gifts for each other, or maybe a Secret Santa pool would be a good option rather than all buying gifts for everyone.


When it comes to wellbeing, other people matter. Evidence shows that good relationships – with family, friends and the wider community are important for mental wellbeing. The Festive period is a great time to re connect and meet up with your loved ones. Why not invite an old friend for a coffee and a catch up or go for a walk in the beautiful Autumn scenery?

Remember that you do not need to spend time with people who make you feel unhappy. If there are any toxic people in your life it might be worth reviewing this and seeing if you need to distance yourself from them.

Give to others

Most people would agree that giving to others is good in itself. But it can also improve your mental wellbeing. This doesn’t just mean giving financially, small acts of kindness towards other people, can give you a sense of purpose and make you feel happier and more satisfied about life.

Helping and supporting other people, and working with others towards a shared goal, is good for our mental wellbeing. You could volunteer in your local community, offer to cook for a friend, or why not group this with exercise and offer to walk a friend’s dog if you know they have a busy schedule or are feeling under the weather.

If you would like to discuss wellbeing in your organisation please contact Optimal PBS’s Learning and Development Consultant and MHFA England Instructor, Kim Fidler, on 07487 512 928 or

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