2020 brings changes to employees “Statement of Terms”….Are you ready?

Employment Law changes for 2020, are you ready for them?

One of the biggest changes is to “Statement of Terms”

We have seen many of our new client’s previously being quoted thousands of pounds for employment documents. Our team of HR Consultants have over 55 years of experience between them which means all the experience and expertise of your own HR team or a solicitor’s firm but without the high cost.

We provide outsourced HR support to Start-ups and SME’s right through to large PLC’s meaning you can have a HR team whenever and wherever you need it without having to build a team internally. HR outsourcing is approximately 33% cheaper than running your own in-house team and around 50% cheaper than using law firms.

For employers taking on staff, we can support you with ensuring that all your employment documents are in order so you can focus on running your business. If you are already employing people, when did you check that all your documents were up to date and fully compliant with employment law?

From 6th April 2020, all employers must provide a new employee with what’s called a statement of particulars from the date they start employment. To most people this is known as an employment contract. It is a legal requirement to ensure staff have a Contract of Employment along with an Employee Handbook which would usually contain your companies HR policies and procedure amongst other. Remember, they must have these from day one!

For a free confidential chat about employment contracts, handbooks or any other HR support give us a call on 01422 897152 or email enquiries@optimal-hr.co.uk

Keep an eye on our Company website for our upcoming blogs over the course of this week on all employment law changes in 2020.

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