Full Pay and Benefit Reviews

Employee benefits reviews are driven by an employer’s desire to control costs, retain talent and harmonise their perks across its workforce.

Over 30 years experience

Getting the balance between cost and driving engagement right

Employers should review their employee benefits schemes regularly, but must be sure of the objectives they want to achieve. We can manage pay and benefit review processes and also job evaluation to ensure that people are paid fairly and equitably.

From a strategic perspective, we can help ensure that your HR strategy has the key “objectives” included to ensure you retain your people for the long term. One of the most powerful “objectives” to creating the right culture is recognising the power of individual choice and this is where reward and flexibility of reward plays a large part.

We can support you with the retention of your key people through the use of bonus and incentive programmes tailored to meet the needs of your business with clear performance expectations. We are experienced in harmonisation of terms and conditions (pay and benefits), and also in cost reduction programmes ensuring you get the best deals in the market.

A review of employee benefits packages can be a real headache.  With it comes a myriad of employee opinions and ideas and for many business owners and HR professionals it feels like a thankless task because you just can’t please everyone.   However, never underestimate the power of an up-to-date, competitive offering.

Businesses need to get more out of their staff, so there is a big focus on productivity. Losing people from a business, particularly good people, distracts employers from their core market activity, so core engagement is quite important and needs to take place to get staff on board with any changes and understand the reasons for these.

Larger employers, meanwhile, review their benefits offerings to ensure these are harmonised and integrated across business divisions. These are typically employers that have merged or acquired new businesses with employees on legacy benefits packages.

FREE 30-minute consultation

Book your free 30 minute consultation with us to enable us to advise you appropriately on your requirements.

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Meet our team

Our team of experienced professionals have worked across multiple sectors and have significant experience of supporting our clients with all of their Human Resources and Organisation Design needs.

Melanie Stead

Managing Director & Senior HR & OD Consultant

Helen Murphy

Operations Director & Senior HR Consultant

Alice McEvoy

Senior HR Consultant